How can you get students working together? How do you go about achieving common goals in a classroom, school or organization?

How do you get reluctant, discouraged or troubled learners on board and relating?

I am conducting two half day workshops on the Prosocial Matrix Communication Process (PMCP). The process is leading to great success and reducing stress with educators who are using it.

Day One will be spent teaching you how to establish a flexible point of view and practicing how to apply it for achievement, collaboration, and effective communication.

Allowing some time for you to take it to your setting and implement the process, we return on Day Two to practice, problem solve and use verbal aikido to defuse difficult interactions and relationships.

The two day combination will have you and your students discovering practical ways of learning together what works to get you where you want to go.

You will also be able to share this with your colleagues and help them discover a new and exciting perspective that changes relationships.

Here is the link to sign up: