So I got together recently with a few fellow professional educators and longtime matrix users. We hadn’t seen each other in awhile so we were catching up. While we work in different areas of education, we all share the psychological flexibility point of view.
Using the matrix will do that to you.
Working from this point of view, we come from the stance of accepting what learners do in-the-moment and then helping them make decisions and choices.
We work with learners who get stuck.
A lot.
In their heads.
And then in their behaviors.
We invite them to notice, to be aware.
They notice what they are doing and where their actions take them.
Then they choose what they do next.
They notice they can choose different actions and get different results.
They learn to make smart choices. We set the context and they do the learning.
Making smart choices in school and life feels good.
It takes practice to make smart choices so the earlier they get started, the sooner they learn the real skills of living and learning, of adaptability, of persistence, creative problem solving and getting along with others.
In my latest webinar, I take a look at how this plays out later on in the world of work. Check it out.
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